Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Turkey Trotting

Who is Turkey Trotting with me??? I love this race. The photo above was taken last year, when I ran in the trot up in Wisconsin. I'll be doing Chicago's this year and I am pretty excited about it. Since I'm signing up so late, I don't plan to do much training, but will continue my paleo/crossfit workout regime. We'll see how it goes. Last year I ran with Brian's dad and we kept around a 9 minute mile pace. I think I could push myself to run a little faster this year. My goal is to finish under 42 minutes (last year we finished in 46:24). 

So....no recipe tonight. I was all excited to try another new one and got home to realize my meat had spoiled. Shooooooot!

So I am taking this opportunity to remind everyone to check the sell by date on their meats before placing them in the fridge instead of the freezer. What a dummy I am, but in my defense...I bought said meat (it was grass fed flank steak) on Sunday, 11/14 at Whole Foods. It's sell by date was 11/14. What's up guy behind the meat counter, can't I get a warning after you wrap it?

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm rutabaga.
    Sorry to hear about the meat spoiling! Hate it when that happens :(

    No TT for me... gonna be out of town. Have fun!
