Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chicken Avocado in Green Chile Sauce

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes (I did a bit of prepping as I went)
This recipe appealed to me, because I LOVE chile peppers, all kinds, shapes and sizes. The ancho chile, is a poblano pepper, dried. Should be in the produce section of any grocery store. It has a very unique smoky scent and flavor.
2 chicken breasts
Put in pan with water and cover on med high heat for 15 minutes. Pull chicken out and shred. Set aside.

2 cloves garlic minced
dice your ancho chile (take your seeds out, I left mine in, because I thought it might add flavor, but I don't think it did and the seeds were hard to chew)
4-5 diced tomatillos
2 ripe avocados
1/2 cup organic chicken broth
juice from 1/2 of lime
cilantro to taste

Put in saucepan with 1 tbs oil (I used garlic infused olive oil) and heat over medium heat until tomatillos start to break down. Once sauce is cooked, add in: 2 ripe avocados mashed with 1 tbs lime juice
Mix chicken into sauce

I served with:
Butternut squash, peeled seeded and diced that I boiled and smashed with a little garlic olive oil. 

The butternut squash was the perfect compliment to the slight tartness of the tomatillos. The only seasoning I used on them, was the garlic infused olive oil. Really simple and really tasty.


  1. Ha ha! Had to update that sh*t after the article ;) My fav is still the simple one done up for me!!!

  2. That's one of my faves too Rudy, I'll get some more of those on here for ya :)
